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Keynote: Automotive Connectivity: More Than Just a Phone With Wheels – Nick Pudar, General Motors

  • GM has two APIs: remote APIs for accessing OnStar and in-vehicle APIs for direct access of the vehicle (launching fall 2013)
  • It is less about the cool capabilites and more about what it can enable for people
    • “Remind me to plug in my Volt if it isn’t plugged in by 10pm”
    • “Tell me when my fuel is below a quarter of a tank”
  • Technology is driving requirements for vehicles to have apps, not just their smartphones
  • In-vehicle technology is a top consideration for new vehicle purchases
  • Competition is extremely high for a mobile app (up to 50 competitors), within the sea of 1M apps
  • Avg Americans spend 450 hours in their cars every year – creates new opportunities
  • There are over 1 billion cars on the road worldwide, offering unmatched visibility and awareness
  • In-vehicle apps offer location-based services and mobile commerce opportunities
  • RelayRides – rent cars from individuals that don’t use them all the time, rather than rental companies
  • Emulators based on HTML 5 and Javascript
  • Developing apps for a new delivery channel calls for creativity and innovation
    • Chessmasters don’t look ahead, they decide how they will checkmate that day, then they unravel the game backwards. The further they can go backwards, the more likely they are to win
    • Thinking backwards eliminates false paths that don’t need to be pursued
    • Humans need to play, to learn, to transact in commerce, and to have spirituality
  • Addressing driver distraction is paramount, needs to be balanced with a threshold to handle needed situational awareness for safety
  • Using hackathons to see what types of apps result