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In case you have never attended, Defrag Conference is a forward-looking conference that discusses what is coming in the next 18-24 months.

This is the main page for that contains links to all Defrag 2013 keynotes and session notes, along with links to slide decks (for sessions that I wasn’t able to attend). Find out what you missed, or review the main points of sessions you attended. Enjoy!

Day 1

The Identity Manifesto: Seven Points On The Future of Identity — R Ray Wang, Constellation Research

Security before convenience, and other lies – David Meyer, OneLogin

Software is Eating the Datacenter – Anjan Srinivas, Nutanix

Unpacking Data’s Baggage: Lessons from Airport Security – Stephen Messer, Collective[i]

Developer Marketing: F#%k Leads; Generate Relationships – Tim Falls, SendGrid

Great, Software Ate My World. Now what? – Oren Teich, Heroku

Industrial Entropy and the Future of Work – Chris DeVore, Founders Co-op

Why Access is More Important Than Ownership: Leveraging the Sharing Economy – Narinder Singh, Cloudspokes (slides only)

Day 2

The Sands of Time: How Cloud is Changing the Role of the CIO — Rod Smith, IBM

Programming with Personal Clouds: A Post-Web Architecture — Phil Windley, Kynetx

 Sustainable Software Engineering Culture (Without The Ninjas) – Mike Gehard, Pivotal Labs

Towards an API Commons – Steven Wilmott, 3Scale and Kin Lane, Presidential Innovation Fellow

APIs In a Post-API World – Uri Sarid, Mulesoft