The Pillars of an API Platform
API pillars serve as the guiding principles that define the foundation and direction of an API platform.
API pillars serve as the guiding principles that define the foundation and direction of an API platform.
Successful API platforms start with business architecture.
After a decade of helping companies build an API platform, here is what I learned.
API governance is the backbone of a successful API platform. By enforcing clear standards, leveraging automation, and aligning with enterprise-wide policies,...
Using Ambassador’s Blackbird to improve API team collaboration
Using Ambassador’s Blackbird to accelerate the API development process
Using Ambassador’s Blackbird to accelerate the API design process
A look at the API program challenges and opportunities in 2024
API generation software is rethinking how you design APIs
API generation software presents new opportunities for enterprises
Reduce the time it takes to design your API
Explore ways your API C4E can support delivery teams
How to select an effective governance model for your API program
Leverage an API coaching program to scale your API program
Improve efficiency and reduce cost using ADDR. a scalable API first design process
It can be challenging to establish a healthy API program within your organization. But what happens when your teams start to produce a large number of APIs a...
Much has been written about API design techniques – from choosing the right HTTP verb to guidance on response code usage and hypermedia dos and donR...
As part of my API design consulting engagements, I’m often called in to resolve the conflict between the API design that the frontend developers would ...
For the last 2 years, Keith Casey and I have been conducted API training workshops with over 1400 participants across nearly a dozen roles. While we are stil...
So far, we have put together a foundation for our API documentation: 1. We must first move beyond API reference documentation and look for other ways to comm...
Effective communication is the most important factor for API success. APIs do not have a user interface, so your documentation is the primary communication m...
There is considerable source material on great API design. We can read discussions on how to use HTTP properly, from selecting the proper HTTP verb to which ...
“Great API documentation is essential” many people exclaim. So, you fire up your favorite API definition editor and start writing docs. You learn...
I have deployed a wide variety of APIs, from internal to APIs for public or partner consumption. Many of them have been deployed to Heroku. There are a varie...
I was recently approached by an API vendor at an API conference. While the encounter wasn’t horrific, I did find a few things related to their API mark...
I was recently asked why more companies are not taking more advantage of Cloud APIs from their cloud service providers to power their software product and IT...
Just about every mobile and web application is backed by at least one database. These applications often require a web-based API to expose the database(s) fo...
How your web or mobile API might be putting your business at risk Do you have a web or mobile API? You might, whether you realize it or not. Web APIs are oft...
I was recently asked what the key indicators might be that an organization should look to implement a modern web API training program. It is a great question...
There is no shortage of web API-related training programs. Some focus on the technical details, while others explore the various aspects of great API design....
APIs are not just a technology solution that require training for developers, they drive many aspects of the business strategy. In fact, companies are using ...
I am pleased to announce that LaunchAny and Casey Software have teamed up to provide a new, onsite API workshop called the “Fundamentals of Designing a...
APIs.json and API Discovery on the Web – Steven Willmott and Kin Lane APIs.json is the equivalent of a robots.txt or sitemap.xml files for web APIs The goal...
Keynote: Taming the RESTed NARWHL: Striking the Balance Between Usability and Zealotry in REST – Rob Zazueta, Mashery (an Intel Company) For those charged w...
Keynote: Automation and DevOps: How to Create a Lights-Out Software Defined Data Center – Joshua McKenty, Piston Cloud Computing Thinking about SDKs makes u...
(Notes by @tomkane) Enhancing Your Cloud Applications with Artificial Intelligence – Elliot Turner, AlchemyAPI One big advantage is offloading special...
Keynote: What Makes a Great Developer Company? – Ethan Kurzweil, Bessemer Venture Partners Why the time is now for the developer-driven business Developers...
Keynote: How, Why and When to R&D — Adam DuVander, SendGrid Labs Hackathons as performed by a hardware manufacturer: “Bring your ideas.. some wood...
API First: Designing your Product from the Platform Out – Kirsten Hunter, 3Scale APIs are often an afterthought for developers You will always have another ...
Love your Logs with Elasticsearch ELK – Jordan Sissel, Elasticsearch Been in operations for 10 years, recently switched to programming but always been one W...
Keynote: API SDKs will ruin your life – John Sheehan, Runscope Started a company to solve issues around building .Net API clients and SDKs Spent a lot of ti...
Keynote: The Parallel Universes of DevOps and Cloud Developers – Donnie Berkholz, RedMonk Background as a drug discovery scientist Most attendees of DevOps ...
Keynote: Containers all the way down: a blueprint for upgrading the Internet – Solomon Hykes, Docker The applications we are building due to the new r...
APIStrat UnWorkshop – Internet of Things Why HTTP Won’t Work for IoT – Tim Kellogg @kellogh Embedded + Internet = IoT Constrained environments ...
This is the main page for that contains links to all GlueCon 2014 keynote and session notes, along with links to slide decks (for sessions that I wasn’t able...
I recently presented a lightning talk at Austin on Rails titled “5 ways to build better APIs in Ruby”. Below is the slide deck, along with a coup...
APIs In a Post-API World – Uri Sarid, Mulesoft Mashups in 2005 – mostly about Google Maps, not much else was available Now we have a huge number of AP...
Towards an API Commons – Steven Wilmott, 3Scale and Kin Lane, Presidential Innovation Fellow The number of APIs are exploding Need client code to help inter...
Programming with Personal Clouds: A Post-Web Architecture – Phil Windley, Kynetx Personal cloud made up of a constellation of persistent computational objec...
The Sands of Time: How Cloud is Changing the Role of the CIO – Rod Smith, IBM LoBs want apps “built and deployed in less than 6 days” Looking fo...
Industrial Entropy and the Future of Work – Chris DeVore, Founders Co-op Ronald Coase – “The Nature of the Firm” paper – why compani...
Great, Software Ate My World. Now what? – Oren Teich, Heroku The way that we are engaging and interacting is changing “Software is eating the world...
Developer Marketing: F#%k Leads; Generate Relationships – Tim Falls, SendGrid Marketing has gotten really hard Relationships > Leads Handshakes > Clic...
In case you have never attended, Defrag Conference is a forward-looking conference that discusses what is coming in the next 18-24 months. This is the main p...
Note: This article is now available in PDF format, includes more content, and is useful for offline reading and sharing. Click here to download a copy. There...
Managing Containers at Scale on Google Compute Engines – Joe Beda, Google Everything at Google runs in a container (KVM-based) Google starts over 2 billion ...
VPC Migration: Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle – Matthew Boeckman, Craftsy “VPC is mature network topology for AWS” Network ACL’s allow for...
Keynote: The Case for Application Driven Cloud Computing – Adam Davis, Chief Architect, Cloud Computing, Citi When Adam started out in the industry, dev and...
(Notes by @tomkane) Salter: Using Go to provision Saltstack clusters on AWS – Dave Smith, Orchestrate Using for PubSub. Love Salt. SaltCloud...
(Notes by @tomkane) DevOps vs. the Enterprise: What We Can Learn from Mainframe Developers – Mike Baukes, ScriptRock “Going big & screwing u...
Keynote: The Parallel Universes of DevOps and Cloud Developers – Donnie Berkholz, RedMonk Background as a drug discovery scientist Most attendees of DevOps ...
Keynote: Containers all the way down: a blueprint for upgrading the Internet – Solomon Hykes, Docker The applications we are building due to the new r...
Programming with Personal Clouds: A Post-Web Architecture – Phil Windley, Kynetx Personal cloud made up of a constellation of persistent computational objec...
The Sands of Time: How Cloud is Changing the Role of the CIO – Rod Smith, IBM LoBs want apps “built and deployed in less than 6 days” Looking fo...
Software is Eating the Datacenter – Anjan Srinivas, Nutanix Emerging trends 1. Taiwan – x86 servers going the laptop way, mass produced 2. Consolidat...
In case you have never attended, Defrag Conference is a forward-looking conference that discusses what is coming in the next 18-24 months. This is the main p...
Start Small & Go Big: Getting the Most From Google Compute Engine – Joe Beda, Google (@jbeda) Google Compute Engine is VMs, storage, and network ...
Processing Big Data In Real-time with a Distributed SQL System – Ankur Goyal, MemSQL “SQL scales, but the technology behind it may not” Wh...
20 API Business Models – John Musser, Programmable Web (@johnmusser) The question they get asked the most: “How do you make money with APIs?R...
Keynote: Automotive Connectivity: More Than Just a Phone With Wheels – Nick Pudar, General Motors GM has two APIs: remote APIs for accessing OnStar an...
Keynote: Confessions of a Tech CEO Who Still Loves to Code Everyday – Lew Cirne, New Relic New Relic was a “Do Over”, now has 50k customer...
Keynote: The New Kingmakers – Stephen O’Grady, Redmonk (@sogrady) In the past, software was just an enabler The Share user group and IBM built a commu...
Keynote: Fear and Loathing and Scalable Kindness on the Internet – Tim Bray, Google You go to signup for a new website: “No! Not another passwor...
Designing a Beautiful REST+JSON API – Les Hazlewood, CTO of Stormpath (@lhazlewood) REST is really hard (for providers) Guidelines and conventions can...
Does Your API Have Swagger? – Sumit Sharma, Mulesoft Too often we slap on an API and let the consumers suffer Inside-Out API development – over ...
Machine Learning APIs (You Probably Didn’t Know About) – Chris Ismael, Mashape Many machine learning libraries have complexity hidden behind an API Na...
An Architectural Look at Designing e-commerce APIs – Saranyan Vigraham, BigCommerce (@saranyan) Bad Design Rigid – too hard to change, too many...
Single Page Architectures: The API and Appification for the Web Steven Willmott, 3Scale (@njyx and @3scale) Plenty of toolkits available to build SPAs Upsid...
The Free Lunch Is Over, Again – Andy Gross, Chief Architect at Basho (@argv0) The Free Lunch Is Over, 2005 Paper by Herb Sutter – “A funda...
Keynote: Ushering in the Bronze Age of Distributed Application Tooling – John Sheehan, Runscope Services are the new process Service dependencies are ...
This is the main page for that contains links to all GlueCon 2013 keynote and session notes, along with links to slide decks (for sessions that I wasn’...
Keynote: Cloud Native Applications: What Changed – Adrian Cockcroft, Cloud Architect at Netflix (@adrianco and @NetflixOSS) We are engineers and striv...
Keynote: 3 Things You Need to Turn Your Enterprise Into a Platform – Laura Merling, AT&T (@magicmerl) The Journey AT&T’s journey: IT as...
eBay Architect Jay Patel recently posted an article about data modeling using the Cassandra data store. In his article, he breaks down how they modeled their...
I recently gave a presentation to the Austin Ruby on Rails Developers Meetup about Heroku. Topics covered included: What is Heroku and why would I use it? H...
I am a firm believer in cloud computing. In fact, I’m focusing my business on the fact that cloud will be a standard part of software and IT architectu...
A few days ago, Amazon Web Services (AWS) released their latest offering, CloudFormation. CloudFormation allows for the templating of your application topolo...
Wondering what all of the hype is around cloud computing? Cloud computing has been a popular topic lately, including the discussion of various cloud computin...
A new survey by Forrester says that just 3% of companies use cloud storage. Here are the stats from the more than 1,200 IT decision makers interviewed: 43% ...
I’ve been using Slicehost for 2 years now, and as an anniversary present they have released 2 new features: Slice cloning from running slices –...
Managing Containers at Scale on Google Compute Engines – Joe Beda, Google Everything at Google runs in a container (KVM-based) Google starts over 2 billion ...
VPC Migration: Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle – Matthew Boeckman, Craftsy “VPC is mature network topology for AWS” Network ACL’s allow for...
Keynote: The Case for Application Driven Cloud Computing – Adam Davis, Chief Architect, Cloud Computing, Citi When Adam started out in the industry, dev and...
(Notes by @tomkane) Salter: Using Go to provision Saltstack clusters on AWS – Dave Smith, Orchestrate Using for PubSub. Love Salt. SaltCloud...
(Notes by @tomkane) DevOps vs. the Enterprise: What We Can Learn from Mainframe Developers – Mike Baukes, ScriptRock “Going big & screwing u...
Keynote: The Parallel Universes of DevOps and Cloud Developers – Donnie Berkholz, RedMonk Background as a drug discovery scientist Most attendees of DevOps ...
Keynote: Containers all the way down: a blueprint for upgrading the Internet – Solomon Hykes, Docker The applications we are building due to the new r...
Programming with Personal Clouds: A Post-Web Architecture – Phil Windley, Kynetx Personal cloud made up of a constellation of persistent computational objec...
The Sands of Time: How Cloud is Changing the Role of the CIO – Rod Smith, IBM LoBs want apps “built and deployed in less than 6 days” Looking fo...
Software is Eating the Datacenter – Anjan Srinivas, Nutanix Emerging trends 1. Taiwan – x86 servers going the laptop way, mass produced 2. Consolidat...
In case you have never attended, Defrag Conference is a forward-looking conference that discusses what is coming in the next 18-24 months. This is the main p...
Start Small & Go Big: Getting the Most From Google Compute Engine – Joe Beda, Google (@jbeda) Google Compute Engine is VMs, storage, and network ...
Processing Big Data In Real-time with a Distributed SQL System – Ankur Goyal, MemSQL “SQL scales, but the technology behind it may not” Wh...
20 API Business Models – John Musser, Programmable Web (@johnmusser) The question they get asked the most: “How do you make money with APIs?R...
Keynote: Automotive Connectivity: More Than Just a Phone With Wheels – Nick Pudar, General Motors GM has two APIs: remote APIs for accessing OnStar an...
Keynote: Confessions of a Tech CEO Who Still Loves to Code Everyday – Lew Cirne, New Relic New Relic was a “Do Over”, now has 50k customer...
Keynote: The New Kingmakers – Stephen O’Grady, Redmonk (@sogrady) In the past, software was just an enabler The Share user group and IBM built a commu...
Keynote: Fear and Loathing and Scalable Kindness on the Internet – Tim Bray, Google You go to signup for a new website: “No! Not another passwor...
Designing a Beautiful REST+JSON API – Les Hazlewood, CTO of Stormpath (@lhazlewood) REST is really hard (for providers) Guidelines and conventions can...
Does Your API Have Swagger? – Sumit Sharma, Mulesoft Too often we slap on an API and let the consumers suffer Inside-Out API development – over ...
Machine Learning APIs (You Probably Didn’t Know About) – Chris Ismael, Mashape Many machine learning libraries have complexity hidden behind an API Na...
An Architectural Look at Designing e-commerce APIs – Saranyan Vigraham, BigCommerce (@saranyan) Bad Design Rigid – too hard to change, too many...
Single Page Architectures: The API and Appification for the Web Steven Willmott, 3Scale (@njyx and @3scale) Plenty of toolkits available to build SPAs Upsid...
The Free Lunch Is Over, Again – Andy Gross, Chief Architect at Basho (@argv0) The Free Lunch Is Over, 2005 Paper by Herb Sutter – “A funda...
Keynote: Ushering in the Bronze Age of Distributed Application Tooling – John Sheehan, Runscope Services are the new process Service dependencies are ...
This is the main page for that contains links to all GlueCon 2013 keynote and session notes, along with links to slide decks (for sessions that I wasn’...
Keynote: Cloud Native Applications: What Changed – Adrian Cockcroft, Cloud Architect at Netflix (@adrianco and @NetflixOSS) We are engineers and striv...
Keynote: 3 Things You Need to Turn Your Enterprise Into a Platform – Laura Merling, AT&T (@magicmerl) The Journey AT&T’s journey: IT as...
eBay Architect Jay Patel recently posted an article about data modeling using the Cassandra data store. In his article, he breaks down how they modeled their...
I recently gave a presentation to the Austin Ruby on Rails Developers Meetup about Heroku. Topics covered included: What is Heroku and why would I use it? H...
I am a firm believer in cloud computing. In fact, I’m focusing my business on the fact that cloud will be a standard part of software and IT architectu...
A few days ago, Amazon Web Services (AWS) released their latest offering, CloudFormation. CloudFormation allows for the templating of your application topolo...
Wondering what all of the hype is around cloud computing? Cloud computing has been a popular topic lately, including the discussion of various cloud computin...
A new survey by Forrester says that just 3% of companies use cloud storage. Here are the stats from the more than 1,200 IT decision makers interviewed: 43% ...
I’ve been using Slicehost for 2 years now, and as an anniversary present they have released 2 new features: Slice cloning from running slices –...
APIs.json and API Discovery on the Web – Steven Willmott and Kin Lane APIs.json is the equivalent of a robots.txt or sitemap.xml files for web APIs The goal...
Managing Containers at Scale on Google Compute Engines – Joe Beda, Google Everything at Google runs in a container (KVM-based) Google starts over 2 billion ...
VPC Migration: Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle – Matthew Boeckman, Craftsy “VPC is mature network topology for AWS” Network ACL’s allow for...
Keynote: Taming the RESTed NARWHL: Striking the Balance Between Usability and Zealotry in REST – Rob Zazueta, Mashery (an Intel Company) For those charged w...
Keynote: Automation and DevOps: How to Create a Lights-Out Software Defined Data Center – Joshua McKenty, Piston Cloud Computing Thinking about SDKs makes u...
Keynote: The Case for Application Driven Cloud Computing – Adam Davis, Chief Architect, Cloud Computing, Citi When Adam started out in the industry, dev and...
(Notes by @tomkane) Enhancing Your Cloud Applications with Artificial Intelligence – Elliot Turner, AlchemyAPI One big advantage is offloading special...
(Notes by @tomkane) Salter: Using Go to provision Saltstack clusters on AWS – Dave Smith, Orchestrate Using for PubSub. Love Salt. SaltCloud...
(Notes by @tomkane) DevOps vs. the Enterprise: What We Can Learn from Mainframe Developers – Mike Baukes, ScriptRock “Going big & screwing u...
Keynote: What Makes a Great Developer Company? – Ethan Kurzweil, Bessemer Venture Partners Why the time is now for the developer-driven business Developers...
Keynote: How, Why and When to R&D — Adam DuVander, SendGrid Labs Hackathons as performed by a hardware manufacturer: “Bring your ideas.. some wood...
API First: Designing your Product from the Platform Out – Kirsten Hunter, 3Scale APIs are often an afterthought for developers You will always have another ...
Love your Logs with Elasticsearch ELK – Jordan Sissel, Elasticsearch Been in operations for 10 years, recently switched to programming but always been one W...
Keynote: API SDKs will ruin your life – John Sheehan, Runscope Started a company to solve issues around building .Net API clients and SDKs Spent a lot of ti...
Keynote: The Parallel Universes of DevOps and Cloud Developers – Donnie Berkholz, RedMonk Background as a drug discovery scientist Most attendees of DevOps ...
Keynote: Containers all the way down: a blueprint for upgrading the Internet – Solomon Hykes, Docker The applications we are building due to the new r...
APIStrat UnWorkshop – Internet of Things Why HTTP Won’t Work for IoT – Tim Kellogg @kellogh Embedded + Internet = IoT Constrained environments ...
This is the main page for that contains links to all GlueCon 2014 keynote and session notes, along with links to slide decks (for sessions that I wasn’t able...
Start Small & Go Big: Getting the Most From Google Compute Engine – Joe Beda, Google (@jbeda) Google Compute Engine is VMs, storage, and network ...
Processing Big Data In Real-time with a Distributed SQL System – Ankur Goyal, MemSQL “SQL scales, but the technology behind it may not” Wh...
20 API Business Models – John Musser, Programmable Web (@johnmusser) The question they get asked the most: “How do you make money with APIs?R...
Keynote: Automotive Connectivity: More Than Just a Phone With Wheels – Nick Pudar, General Motors GM has two APIs: remote APIs for accessing OnStar an...
Keynote: Confessions of a Tech CEO Who Still Loves to Code Everyday – Lew Cirne, New Relic New Relic was a “Do Over”, now has 50k customer...
Keynote: The New Kingmakers – Stephen O’Grady, Redmonk (@sogrady) In the past, software was just an enabler The Share user group and IBM built a commu...
Keynote: Fear and Loathing and Scalable Kindness on the Internet – Tim Bray, Google You go to signup for a new website: “No! Not another passwor...
Designing a Beautiful REST+JSON API – Les Hazlewood, CTO of Stormpath (@lhazlewood) REST is really hard (for providers) Guidelines and conventions can...
Does Your API Have Swagger? – Sumit Sharma, Mulesoft Too often we slap on an API and let the consumers suffer Inside-Out API development – over ...
Machine Learning APIs (You Probably Didn’t Know About) – Chris Ismael, Mashape Many machine learning libraries have complexity hidden behind an API Na...
An Architectural Look at Designing e-commerce APIs – Saranyan Vigraham, BigCommerce (@saranyan) Bad Design Rigid – too hard to change, too many...
Single Page Architectures: The API and Appification for the Web Steven Willmott, 3Scale (@njyx and @3scale) Plenty of toolkits available to build SPAs Upsid...
The Free Lunch Is Over, Again – Andy Gross, Chief Architect at Basho (@argv0) The Free Lunch Is Over, 2005 Paper by Herb Sutter – “A funda...
Keynote: Ushering in the Bronze Age of Distributed Application Tooling – John Sheehan, Runscope Services are the new process Service dependencies are ...
This is the main page for that contains links to all GlueCon 2013 keynote and session notes, along with links to slide decks (for sessions that I wasn’...
Keynote: Cloud Native Applications: What Changed – Adrian Cockcroft, Cloud Architect at Netflix (@adrianco and @NetflixOSS) We are engineers and striv...
Keynote: 3 Things You Need to Turn Your Enterprise Into a Platform – Laura Merling, AT&T (@magicmerl) The Journey AT&T’s journey: IT as...
APIs In a Post-API World – Uri Sarid, Mulesoft Mashups in 2005 – mostly about Google Maps, not much else was available Now we have a huge number of AP...
Towards an API Commons – Steven Wilmott, 3Scale and Kin Lane, Presidential Innovation Fellow The number of APIs are exploding Need client code to help inter...
Sustainable Software Engineering Culture (Without The Ninjas) – Mike Gehard, Pivotal Labs Everyone wants predictability in an unpredictable world Sustainabi...
Programming with Personal Clouds: A Post-Web Architecture – Phil Windley, Kynetx Personal cloud made up of a constellation of persistent computational objec...
The Sands of Time: How Cloud is Changing the Role of the CIO – Rod Smith, IBM LoBs want apps “built and deployed in less than 6 days” Looking fo...
Industrial Entropy and the Future of Work – Chris DeVore, Founders Co-op Ronald Coase – “The Nature of the Firm” paper – why compani...
Great, Software Ate My World. Now what? – Oren Teich, Heroku The way that we are engaging and interacting is changing “Software is eating the world...
Developer Marketing: F#%k Leads; Generate Relationships – Tim Falls, SendGrid Marketing has gotten really hard Relationships > Leads Handshakes > Clic...
Unpacking Data’s Baggage: Lessons from Airport Security – Stephen Messer, Collective[i] BigData will disappoint if you fixate on its size. What matter...
Software is Eating the Datacenter – Anjan Srinivas, Nutanix Emerging trends 1. Taiwan – x86 servers going the laptop way, mass produced 2. Consolidat...
Security before convenience, and other lies – David Meyer, OneLogin Security theater #1: Security images they are ineffective, intuitions are not reliable,...
The Identity Manifesto: Seven Points On The Future of Identity – R Ray Wang, Constellation Research Change Ahead 1) Macro economic forces – we can...
In case you have never attended, Defrag Conference is a forward-looking conference that discusses what is coming in the next 18-24 months. This is the main p...
Start Small & Go Big: Getting the Most From Google Compute Engine – Joe Beda, Google (@jbeda) Google Compute Engine is VMs, storage, and network ...
Processing Big Data In Real-time with a Distributed SQL System – Ankur Goyal, MemSQL “SQL scales, but the technology behind it may not” Wh...
20 API Business Models – John Musser, Programmable Web (@johnmusser) The question they get asked the most: “How do you make money with APIs?R...
Keynote: Automotive Connectivity: More Than Just a Phone With Wheels – Nick Pudar, General Motors GM has two APIs: remote APIs for accessing OnStar an...
Keynote: Confessions of a Tech CEO Who Still Loves to Code Everyday – Lew Cirne, New Relic New Relic was a “Do Over”, now has 50k customer...
Keynote: The New Kingmakers – Stephen O’Grady, Redmonk (@sogrady) In the past, software was just an enabler The Share user group and IBM built a commu...
Keynote: Fear and Loathing and Scalable Kindness on the Internet – Tim Bray, Google You go to signup for a new website: “No! Not another passwor...
Designing a Beautiful REST+JSON API – Les Hazlewood, CTO of Stormpath (@lhazlewood) REST is really hard (for providers) Guidelines and conventions can...
Does Your API Have Swagger? – Sumit Sharma, Mulesoft Too often we slap on an API and let the consumers suffer Inside-Out API development – over ...
Machine Learning APIs (You Probably Didn’t Know About) – Chris Ismael, Mashape Many machine learning libraries have complexity hidden behind an API Na...
An Architectural Look at Designing e-commerce APIs – Saranyan Vigraham, BigCommerce (@saranyan) Bad Design Rigid – too hard to change, too many...
Single Page Architectures: The API and Appification for the Web Steven Willmott, 3Scale (@njyx and @3scale) Plenty of toolkits available to build SPAs Upsid...
The Free Lunch Is Over, Again – Andy Gross, Chief Architect at Basho (@argv0) The Free Lunch Is Over, 2005 Paper by Herb Sutter – “A funda...
Keynote: Ushering in the Bronze Age of Distributed Application Tooling – John Sheehan, Runscope Services are the new process Service dependencies are ...
This is the main page for that contains links to all GlueCon 2013 keynote and session notes, along with links to slide decks (for sessions that I wasn’...
Keynote: Cloud Native Applications: What Changed – Adrian Cockcroft, Cloud Architect at Netflix (@adrianco and @NetflixOSS) We are engineers and striv...
Keynote: 3 Things You Need to Turn Your Enterprise Into a Platform – Laura Merling, AT&T (@magicmerl) The Journey AT&T’s journey: IT as...
Have you ever heard of an Interim CTO? While many have heard of interim executives for the CEO or CMO role, the Interim CTO role is quickly becoming a popula...
Brett Hurt has been blogging for some time now. At a recent appearance at the Austin Regulars meetup, Brett answered questions from several audience members....
As a developer, I often see problems as projects. These projects have a problem statement, steps to resolve the issue, and target completion criteria. It see...
Many founders hold their idea close to them. Others share their ideas. No matter what option they select, ideas must be executed. Why? Because you can only l...
As a startup, you need all the help you can get. But requesting the right help can be the biggest challenge. You may not know the right person to ask, or how...
I had a quick conversation today with a new startup targeting businesses with a Service-as-a-Service product offering. Their startup solves a big need for my...
Everyone hits a difficult point in their startup. It may be that you are trying to bootstrap your idea in your spare time. Or perhaps you are battling a diff...
In a recent discussion with a friend and fellow entrepreneur, we discussed how startup founders need persistence. Persistence is usually the trait most assoc...
Wondering what all of the hype is around cloud computing? Cloud computing has been a popular topic lately, including the discussion of various cloud computin...
“Finish strong” is a common phrase and something that people try to use to encourage us. People often say that most of the effort of any startup ...
Chris Brogan has a great list of tips for expanding your business network over the coming year. In fact, many of his ideas are about what not to do, such as ...
The Carsonified blog has a great post that details the process they took when asking for a donations. The end result is not only pretty form, it makes an dir...
I have worked with quite a few startups, each of varying sizes. The thing that I’ve noticed consistently with each startup: they moved and adapted to c...
Maybe you heard it from someone you know. Maybe you have thought it yourself. “My idea is so new and different. There is no competition at all for it!&...
I recently heard two stories about bad development teams. They are both full of heartache and woe, but they both provide some valuable insight for the busine...
Jason Cohen posted an article about his battle with feeling like a fraud. Jason has a product that allows software developers to perform code reviews of one ...
My company, Blue Jazz Consulting, recently launched a new startup called The goal is to reduce the headaches of managing an legal practice ...
Nathan at Godbit has an interview with Markup Factory, a hosted CMS, which supports valid user generated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Markup Factory offers a ...
Eric Ries, author of the Lessons Learned blog and founder of IMVU, recently wrote a post about his 10 year anniversary as an entrepreneur: One thing really s...
Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, and Chris Anderson have been talking quite a bit about “free” and what it means. Chris contends that anything that ...
Many startups immediately focus on obtaining large-scale investors. The focus is so intense, that many make the investors more important than the customers. ...
When it comes to launching your idea, many business owners have to seek out assistance. Whether it is assistance with software development, marketing, or acc...
Thomas at The Messy Notebook posted an article on building something real in your spare time. This is a great list for those trying to launch any kind of ide...
Seth Godin has a great definition of business model: A business model is the architecture of a business or project. It has four elements: What compelling re...
Are you launching a cause that will require volunteers? Whether you are launching a new church, para-church ministry, non-profit, or a PTA/school project, yo...
I often have need to perform a bulk import of CSV files into MySQL for different projects. Recently, I made the move to the JRuby platform for one of my proj...
Will Miceli recently posted an article, titled Technical Co-Founders Are Overrated, that outlines his journey from idea to finding a partner: I was working o...
For those working on the Ruby platform, this is an interesting time. We have Ruby 1.9 YARV, Rubinius, and JRuby as the most popular Ruby Virtual Machines ava...
Laptops can be useful for day-to-day development, but a more powerful machine is required when it comes to working with Very Large Databases (VLDBs) and Big ...
We have released a new eBook through our sister website,, called Cloud Computing For Startups. The eBook is FREE and offers a simple and concis...
InfoQ has a 16 min video interview with Adam Wiggins from Heroku. In the interview, Adam discusses Ruby 1.9, the Heroku dyno solution, new add-on support, an...
A new survey by Forrester says that just 3% of companies use cloud storage. Here are the stats from the more than 1,200 IT decision makers interviewed: 43% ...
On a recent project, I needed to be able to run a large number of background jobs. Each job would likely last between 30 seconds and 5 minutes, depending on ...
I recently launched a startup that required geofencing. For those not familiar with the term, geofencing is the finding of known locations within a specific ...
I’ve been using Slicehost for 2 years now, and as an anniversary present they have released 2 new features: Slice cloning from running slices –...
Applications can get familiar and outdated. What worked for your first set of customers may not work for your current, less experienced ones. Or, perhaps you...
I’ve had some recent discussions with some entrepreneurs about the cost and time it takes to launch a startup. These have been interesting discussions,...
Seth Godin recently posted an article titled “Is architect a verb?”: Design carries a lot of baggage related to aesthetics. We say something is w...
There is a great post at the 37signals blog about how they optimized Basecamp using New Relic. One thing I found most interesting: MySQL optimizations: We’...
Clemens Kofler has a great post about when to raise exceptions within your Rails application: Over the years I’ve come up with a little rule of thumb for e...
I’ve been looking for a microframework for Ruby that is simple like Camping but supports RESTful resources like Rails. A tip from the Denver Rails UG p...
Anyone noticed the striking similarities the Windows Live APIs have to Hailstorm? George Moore, General Manager, Live Platform Services posted an interestin...
I was trying to setup the proper environment settings in Rails 2 to support cross-subdomain cookie sharing (so the user doesn’t have to login again if ...
I’ve been working on a project that uses a little XHR mixed into the app to update DIVs on a page. The problem with the RESTful Authentication plugin i...
Sustainable Software Engineering Culture (Without The Ninjas) – Mike Gehard, Pivotal Labs Everyone wants predictability in an unpredictable world Sustainabi...
As a developer, I often see problems as projects. These projects have a problem statement, steps to resolve the issue, and target completion criteria. It see...
Will Miceli recently posted an article, titled Technical Co-Founders Are Overrated, that outlines his journey from idea to finding a partner: I was working o...
Laptops can be useful for day-to-day development, but a more powerful machine is required when it comes to working with Very Large Databases (VLDBs) and Big ...
In a recent question posted at the OnStartups forums, a founder asked how to find a developer for their Software as a Service (SaaS) idea. While I was able t...
One of the big decisions for any new startup is the selection of a development team. Whether you need just one developer or you need a complete team, there a...
I recently heard two stories about bad development teams. They are both full of heartache and woe, but they both provide some valuable insight for the busine...
Applications can get familiar and outdated. What worked for your first set of customers may not work for your current, less experienced ones. Or, perhaps you...
I’ve had some recent discussions with some entrepreneurs about the cost and time it takes to launch a startup. These have been interesting discussions,...
Seth Godin recently posted an article titled “Is architect a verb?”: Design carries a lot of baggage related to aesthetics. We say something is w...
Seth Godin has a great post about the pricing model for renting digital movies: It’s important to charge something, because the act of paying fundament...
Things not going the way you planned for your startup? I would advise you to read this great post on how a startup has struggled to gain traction, as it cont...
One of the early questions any startup asks is “where should we host our new startup, and what plan should we get?” While there are a variety of ...
Javascript is a technology that, until recently, has been reserved for simple browser tricks and catching mouse or browser events. It recently has been adopt...
Oh, it seems innocent enough. A page view here, a page view there. Pretty soon you are hooked on competitor websites and can’t make a decision without ...
If you are struggling with trying to find a term for your website copy or functionality that covers a variety of user types or concepts, it is typically a si...
I met my good friend Ryan Heneise over lunch Monday, during which we were discussing what sort of FUD we get from startups regarding Ruby on Rails. Rather th...
As an architect and developer, you may think that all of my time helping startups get from idea to revenue is spent writing and managing the code, but I find...
APIs.json and API Discovery on the Web – Steven Willmott and Kin Lane APIs.json is the equivalent of a robots.txt or sitemap.xml files for web APIs The goal...
Managing Containers at Scale on Google Compute Engines – Joe Beda, Google Everything at Google runs in a container (KVM-based) Google starts over 2 billion ...
VPC Migration: Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle – Matthew Boeckman, Craftsy “VPC is mature network topology for AWS” Network ACL’s allow for...
Keynote: Taming the RESTed NARWHL: Striking the Balance Between Usability and Zealotry in REST – Rob Zazueta, Mashery (an Intel Company) For those charged w...
Keynote: Automation and DevOps: How to Create a Lights-Out Software Defined Data Center – Joshua McKenty, Piston Cloud Computing Thinking about SDKs makes u...
Keynote: The Case for Application Driven Cloud Computing – Adam Davis, Chief Architect, Cloud Computing, Citi When Adam started out in the industry, dev and...
(Notes by @tomkane) Enhancing Your Cloud Applications with Artificial Intelligence – Elliot Turner, AlchemyAPI One big advantage is offloading special...
(Notes by @tomkane) Salter: Using Go to provision Saltstack clusters on AWS – Dave Smith, Orchestrate Using for PubSub. Love Salt. SaltCloud...
(Notes by @tomkane) DevOps vs. the Enterprise: What We Can Learn from Mainframe Developers – Mike Baukes, ScriptRock “Going big & screwing u...
Keynote: What Makes a Great Developer Company? – Ethan Kurzweil, Bessemer Venture Partners Why the time is now for the developer-driven business Developers...
Keynote: How, Why and When to R&D — Adam DuVander, SendGrid Labs Hackathons as performed by a hardware manufacturer: “Bring your ideas.. some wood...
API First: Designing your Product from the Platform Out – Kirsten Hunter, 3Scale APIs are often an afterthought for developers You will always have another ...
Love your Logs with Elasticsearch ELK – Jordan Sissel, Elasticsearch Been in operations for 10 years, recently switched to programming but always been one W...
Keynote: API SDKs will ruin your life – John Sheehan, Runscope Started a company to solve issues around building .Net API clients and SDKs Spent a lot of ti...
Keynote: The Parallel Universes of DevOps and Cloud Developers – Donnie Berkholz, RedMonk Background as a drug discovery scientist Most attendees of DevOps ...
Keynote: Containers all the way down: a blueprint for upgrading the Internet – Solomon Hykes, Docker The applications we are building due to the new r...
APIStrat UnWorkshop – Internet of Things Why HTTP Won’t Work for IoT – Tim Kellogg @kellogh Embedded + Internet = IoT Constrained environments ...
This is the main page for that contains links to all GlueCon 2014 keynote and session notes, along with links to slide decks (for sessions that I wasn’t able...
Will Miceli recently posted an article, titled Technical Co-Founders Are Overrated, that outlines his journey from idea to finding a partner: I was working o...
Applications can get familiar and outdated. What worked for your first set of customers may not work for your current, less experienced ones. Or, perhaps you...
I’ve had some recent discussions with some entrepreneurs about the cost and time it takes to launch a startup. These have been interesting discussions,...
Seth Godin recently posted an article titled “Is architect a verb?”: Design carries a lot of baggage related to aesthetics. We say something is w...
Seth Godin has an interesting post today about how free stops getting attention: The interaction you seek as a marketer often disappears when something is fr...
Seth Godin has a great post about the pricing model for renting digital movies: It’s important to charge something, because the act of paying fundament...
Things not going the way you planned for your startup? I would advise you to read this great post on how a startup has struggled to gain traction, as it cont...
One of the early questions any startup asks is “where should we host our new startup, and what plan should we get?” While there are a variety of ...
Javascript is a technology that, until recently, has been reserved for simple browser tricks and catching mouse or browser events. It recently has been adopt...
Oh, it seems innocent enough. A page view here, a page view there. Pretty soon you are hooked on competitor websites and can’t make a decision without ...
If you are struggling with trying to find a term for your website copy or functionality that covers a variety of user types or concepts, it is typically a si...
I met my good friend Ryan Heneise over lunch Monday, during which we were discussing what sort of FUD we get from startups regarding Ruby on Rails. Rather th...
As an architect and developer, you may think that all of my time helping startups get from idea to revenue is spent writing and managing the code, but I find...
I recently presented a lightning talk at Austin on Rails titled “5 ways to build better APIs in Ruby”. Below is the slide deck, along with a coup...
I often have need to perform a bulk import of CSV files into MySQL for different projects. Recently, I made the move to the JRuby platform for one of my proj...
For those working on the Ruby platform, this is an interesting time. We have Ruby 1.9 YARV, Rubinius, and JRuby as the most popular Ruby Virtual Machines ava...
There is a great post at the 37signals blog about how they optimized Basecamp using New Relic. One thing I found most interesting: MySQL optimizations: We’...
Clemens Kofler has a great post about when to raise exceptions within your Rails application: Over the years I’ve come up with a little rule of thumb for e...
I’ve been looking for a microframework for Ruby that is simple like Camping but supports RESTful resources like Rails. A tip from the Denver Rails UG p...
I was trying to setup the proper environment settings in Rails 2 to support cross-subdomain cookie sharing (so the user doesn’t have to login again if ...
I’ve been working on a project that uses a little XHR mixed into the app to update DIVs on a page. The problem with the RESTful Authentication plugin i...
I’m working on a new project that is using the RESTful Authentication generator with Rails 2. As I started to take advantage of the label references ca...
I hear some founders say that one technology is the same as another when launching a startup. Scott Abel, chief executive of Austin-based software company Sp...
A new Reddit page dedicated to Ruby is now available: You can subscribe using RSS. Just keep in mind that it is early.
If you want to follow my notes from the Lone Star Ruby Conference 2007, you can subscribe to my Pownce page. For those at the conference, I’m seated ag...
I’ll be at the Lone Star Ruby Conference on Fri Sept 7th and Sat Sept 8th, so if you will be there, drop me a comment or note and let me know so that w...
APIs In a Post-API World – Uri Sarid, Mulesoft Mashups in 2005 – mostly about Google Maps, not much else was available Now we have a huge number of AP...
Towards an API Commons – Steven Wilmott, 3Scale and Kin Lane, Presidential Innovation Fellow The number of APIs are exploding Need client code to help inter...
Sustainable Software Engineering Culture (Without The Ninjas) – Mike Gehard, Pivotal Labs Everyone wants predictability in an unpredictable world Sustainabi...
Programming with Personal Clouds: A Post-Web Architecture – Phil Windley, Kynetx Personal cloud made up of a constellation of persistent computational objec...
The Sands of Time: How Cloud is Changing the Role of the CIO – Rod Smith, IBM LoBs want apps “built and deployed in less than 6 days” Looking fo...
Industrial Entropy and the Future of Work – Chris DeVore, Founders Co-op Ronald Coase – “The Nature of the Firm” paper – why compani...
Great, Software Ate My World. Now what? – Oren Teich, Heroku The way that we are engaging and interacting is changing “Software is eating the world...
Developer Marketing: F#%k Leads; Generate Relationships – Tim Falls, SendGrid Marketing has gotten really hard Relationships > Leads Handshakes > Clic...
Unpacking Data’s Baggage: Lessons from Airport Security – Stephen Messer, Collective[i] BigData will disappoint if you fixate on its size. What matter...
Software is Eating the Datacenter – Anjan Srinivas, Nutanix Emerging trends 1. Taiwan – x86 servers going the laptop way, mass produced 2. Consolidat...
Security before convenience, and other lies – David Meyer, OneLogin Security theater #1: Security images they are ineffective, intuitions are not reliable,...
The Identity Manifesto: Seven Points On The Future of Identity – R Ray Wang, Constellation Research Change Ahead 1) Macro economic forces – we can...
In case you have never attended, Defrag Conference is a forward-looking conference that discusses what is coming in the next 18-24 months. This is the main p...
Over the last year, we have seen growth in messaging platforms for business. These platforms have changed the way we communicate within and across teams. But...
Sustainable Software Engineering Culture (Without The Ninjas) – Mike Gehard, Pivotal Labs Everyone wants predictability in an unpredictable world Sustainabi...
Industrial Entropy and the Future of Work – Chris DeVore, Founders Co-op Ronald Coase – “The Nature of the Firm” paper – why compani...
Great, Software Ate My World. Now what? – Oren Teich, Heroku The way that we are engaging and interacting is changing “Software is eating the world...
Developer Marketing: F#%k Leads; Generate Relationships – Tim Falls, SendGrid Marketing has gotten really hard Relationships > Leads Handshakes > Clic...
Many founders hold their idea close to them. Others share their ideas. No matter what option they select, ideas must be executed. Why? Because you can only l...
Maybe you heard it from someone you know. Maybe you have thought it yourself. “My idea is so new and different. There is no competition at all for it!&...
Jason Cohen has a great interview with Bob Walsh about his products that help startups increase their chances of success. I particularly like the first quest...
Lewis Howes has a short video (5:48) on how to use social media to communicate with your audience and grow your idea. Here are his tips: Be yourself rather ...
My company, Blue Jazz Consulting, recently launched a new startup called The goal is to reduce the headaches of managing an legal practice ...
Seth Godin recently wrote a guest post for Pamela Slim’s Escape From Cubicle Nation blog. In it, Seth had some great things to say about doing what you...
Twitter has been in the media recently. Not just the expected online and print sources, but often in local news segments. Local news anchors now use T...
Over the last year, we have seen growth in messaging platforms for business. These platforms have changed the way we communicate within and across teams. But...
Sustainable Software Engineering Culture (Without The Ninjas) – Mike Gehard, Pivotal Labs Everyone wants predictability in an unpredictable world Sustainabi...
Industrial Entropy and the Future of Work – Chris DeVore, Founders Co-op Ronald Coase – “The Nature of the Firm” paper – why compani...
Great, Software Ate My World. Now what? – Oren Teich, Heroku The way that we are engaging and interacting is changing “Software is eating the world...
Developer Marketing: F#%k Leads; Generate Relationships – Tim Falls, SendGrid Marketing has gotten really hard Relationships > Leads Handshakes > Clic...
Many founders hold their idea close to them. Others share their ideas. No matter what option they select, ideas must be executed. Why? Because you can only l...
Maybe you heard it from someone you know. Maybe you have thought it yourself. “My idea is so new and different. There is no competition at all for it!&...
Jason Cohen has a great interview with Bob Walsh about his products that help startups increase their chances of success. I particularly like the first quest...
Lewis Howes has a short video (5:48) on how to use social media to communicate with your audience and grow your idea. Here are his tips: Be yourself rather ...
My company, Blue Jazz Consulting, recently launched a new startup called The goal is to reduce the headaches of managing an legal practice ...
Seth Godin recently wrote a guest post for Pamela Slim’s Escape From Cubicle Nation blog. In it, Seth had some great things to say about doing what you...
Twitter has been in the media recently. Not just the expected online and print sources, but often in local news segments. Local news anchors now use T...
Wondering what all of the hype is around cloud computing? Cloud computing has been a popular topic lately, including the discussion of various cloud computin...
Chris Brogan has a great list of tips for expanding your business network over the coming year. In fact, many of his ideas are about what not to do, such as ...
The Carsonified blog has a great post that details the process they took when asking for a donations. The end result is not only pretty form, it makes an dir...
I have worked with quite a few startups, each of varying sizes. The thing that I’ve noticed consistently with each startup: they moved and adapted to c...
One of the big decisions for any new startup is the selection of a development team. Whether you need just one developer or you need a complete team, there a...
Many startups immediately focus on obtaining large-scale investors. The focus is so intense, that many make the investors more important than the customers. ...
Seth Godin has a great definition of business model: A business model is the architecture of a business or project. It has four elements: What compelling re...
Are you launching a cause that will require volunteers? Whether you are launching a new church, para-church ministry, non-profit, or a PTA/school project, yo...
Twitter has been in the media recently. Not just the expected online and print sources, but often in local news segments. Local news anchors now use T...
I have deployed a wide variety of APIs, from internal to APIs for public or partner consumption. Many of them have been deployed to Heroku. There are a varie...
(Notes by @tomkane) Salter: Using Go to provision Saltstack clusters on AWS – Dave Smith, Orchestrate Using for PubSub. Love Salt. SaltCloud...
(Notes by @tomkane) DevOps vs. the Enterprise: What We Can Learn from Mainframe Developers – Mike Baukes, ScriptRock “Going big & screwing u...
I have been automating the deployment of applications to physical and cloud-based servers for many years. Here are five mistakes that I commonly find when he...
I recently wrote a post about how to select a development team for your startup. Once you’ve selected a developer or development team, you need to unde...
Brett Hurt has been blogging for some time now. At a recent appearance at the Austin Regulars meetup, Brett answered questions from several audience members....
Oh, it seems innocent enough. A page view here, a page view there. Pretty soon you are hooked on competitor websites and can’t make a decision without ...
I met my good friend Ryan Heneise over lunch Monday, during which we were discussing what sort of FUD we get from startups regarding Ruby on Rails. Rather th...
As an architect and developer, you may think that all of my time helping startups get from idea to revenue is spent writing and managing the code, but I find...
Unpacking Data’s Baggage: Lessons from Airport Security – Stephen Messer, Collective[i] BigData will disappoint if you fixate on its size. What matter...
Security before convenience, and other lies – David Meyer, OneLogin Security theater #1: Security images they are ineffective, intuitions are not reliable,...
The Identity Manifesto: Seven Points On The Future of Identity – R Ray Wang, Constellation Research Change Ahead 1) Macro economic forces – we can...
Javascript is a technology that, until recently, has been reserved for simple browser tricks and catching mouse or browser events. It recently has been adopt...
Laptops can be useful for day-to-day development, but a more powerful machine is required when it comes to working with Very Large Databases (VLDBs) and Big ...
Mark Gladding discovered there’s a lot of great eBooks being published all the time by independent authors. Unfortunately they’re not always that easy to fin...
Seth Godin posted a great article called “Circling the big domino” where he makes an argument for working the events in order to get your brand k...
Clemens Kofler has a great post about when to raise exceptions within your Rails application: Over the years I’ve come up with a little rule of thumb for e...
An Introduction to Cloud Computing and How it is Changing Business Cloud computing can be a confusing technology. It can be hard to determine if you should ...
A few days ago, Amazon Web Services (AWS) released their latest offering, CloudFormation. CloudFormation allows for the templating of your application topolo...
Everyone hits a difficult point in their startup. It may be that you are trying to bootstrap your idea in your spare time. Or perhaps you are battling a diff...
Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, and Chris Anderson have been talking quite a bit about “free” and what it means. Chris contends that anything that ...
Welcome to those of you visiting my blog who were at the Godbit Dinner Monday night during SXSW! Thanks for a great evening of fun and fellowship! If you ar...
If you want to follow my notes from the Lone Star Ruby Conference 2007, you can subscribe to my Pownce page. For those at the conference, I’m seated ag...
I’ll be at the Lone Star Ruby Conference on Fri Sept 7th and Sat Sept 8th, so if you will be there, drop me a comment or note and let me know so that w...
Applications can get familiar and outdated. What worked for your first set of customers may not work for your current, less experienced ones. Or, perhaps you...
Seth Godin recently posted an article titled “Is architect a verb?”: Design carries a lot of baggage related to aesthetics. We say something is w...
Seth Godin has an interesting post today about how free stops getting attention: The interaction you seek as a marketer often disappears when something is fr...
The last year has seen a considerable spike in the number of articles and discussions around microservices. Many think that a microservice-based architecture...
There is a great post at the 37signals blog about how they optimized Basecamp using New Relic. One thing I found most interesting: MySQL optimizations: We’...
Anyone noticed the striking similarities the Windows Live APIs have to Hailstorm? George Moore, General Manager, Live Platform Services posted an interestin...
Unpacking Data’s Baggage: Lessons from Airport Security – Stephen Messer, Collective[i] BigData will disappoint if you fixate on its size. What matter...
Security before convenience, and other lies – David Meyer, OneLogin Security theater #1: Security images they are ineffective, intuitions are not reliable,...
The Identity Manifesto: Seven Points On The Future of Identity – R Ray Wang, Constellation Research Change Ahead 1) Macro economic forces – we can...
Unpacking Data’s Baggage: Lessons from Airport Security – Stephen Messer, Collective[i] BigData will disappoint if you fixate on its size. What matter...
Security before convenience, and other lies – David Meyer, OneLogin Security theater #1: Security images they are ineffective, intuitions are not reliable,...
The Identity Manifesto: Seven Points On The Future of Identity – R Ray Wang, Constellation Research Change Ahead 1) Macro economic forces – we can...
The Carsonified blog has a great post that details the process they took when asking for a donations. The end result is not only pretty form, it makes an dir...
Are you launching a cause that will require volunteers? Whether you are launching a new church, para-church ministry, non-profit, or a PTA/school project, yo...
The mobile first strategy has been an emerging topic for the last several years. But is mobile first really the best strategy for your next product? Let̵...
Building a high performance, reliable mobile backend is just as essential to the user experience as the design of the application itself. While building a fu...
I have been learning about audio level compression (sometimes called DRC) to understand why some music has little dynamic range (highs and lows seem soft or ...
I have been learning about audio level compression (sometimes called DRC) to understand why some music has little dynamic range (highs and lows seem soft or ...
Javascript is a technology that, until recently, has been reserved for simple browser tricks and catching mouse or browser events. It recently has been adopt...
Javascript is a technology that, until recently, has been reserved for simple browser tricks and catching mouse or browser events. It recently has been adopt...
One of the early questions any startup asks is “where should we host our new startup, and what plan should we get?” While there are a variety of ...
I have been having poor performance with Samba on my Gentoo-based file server for larger files (videos, 8 megapixel photos, etc). I tried everything, includi...
A new episode of Greg the Architect called “SOA this. SOA that.” reminds me why I help startups get to market and solve problems: </param>&...
Laptops can be useful for day-to-day development, but a more powerful machine is required when it comes to working with Very Large Databases (VLDBs) and Big ...
For those working on the Ruby platform, this is an interesting time. We have Ruby 1.9 YARV, Rubinius, and JRuby as the most popular Ruby Virtual Machines ava...
APIStrat UnWorkshop – Internet of Things Why HTTP Won’t Work for IoT – Tim Kellogg @kellogh Embedded + Internet = IoT Constrained environments ...
APIStrat UnWorkshop – Internet of Things Why HTTP Won’t Work for IoT – Tim Kellogg @kellogh Embedded + Internet = IoT Constrained environments ...
APIStrat UnWorkshop – Internet of Things Why HTTP Won’t Work for IoT – Tim Kellogg @kellogh Embedded + Internet = IoT Constrained environments ...
Have you ever heard of an Interim CTO? While many have heard of interim executives for the CEO or CMO role, the Interim CTO role is quickly becoming a popula...
Have you ever heard of an Interim CTO? While many have heard of interim executives for the CEO or CMO role, the Interim CTO role is quickly becoming a popula...